James G. McConnell
Construction Law Services
101 North Virginia St. # 120
Crystal Lake, Illinois, IL 60014-3439
ph: 312-287-1343
When the general contractor was terminated from this project, Mr. McConnell negotiated a standstill agreement in which The Public Building Commission of Chicago withdrew its termination notice, so as not to destroy the contractor's bonding capacity, and the contractor voluntarily withdrew from the project. Both sides reserved their rights, and agreed neither would sue the other until after the last 1994 World Cup soccer tournament game in Chicago was played.
During the intervening seven months, Mr. McConnell created and used a computer database of 50 boxes of client documents on the project to select over 2,000 exhibits for use in depositions of contractor personnel. On the morning of the day the standstill agreement expired, Mr. McConnell filed a lawsuit on behalf of The Public Building Commission, seeking $10 million in cost overruns from the contractor and its performance bond surety.
In the course of depositions, Mr. McConnell developed testimony demonstrating that once the contractor had submitted a recovery schedule for the delayed project, the company fell two days further behind schedule for every day it worked on the site.
In 1992, long before the Chicago Bears' new "flying saucer" landed inside the classic Roman colonnades of Soldier Field, Chicago was selected as host city for the opening ceremonies and several soccer games in the 1994 World Cup tournament.
In preparation for this event The Public Building Commission of Chicago contracted for extensive renovations to the facade and interior of the aging stadium. After the World Cup ended, a lawsuit was filed by the Commission against the contractor whose delays resulted in investment of a great deal of second shift and overtime work to complete the project in time for the World Cup.
The above photographs illustrate the nature and extent of some of the issues which plagued this project.
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley
[Due apologies to Robert Burns]
James G. McConnell
Construction Law Services
101 North Virginia St. # 120
Crystal Lake, Illinois, IL 60014-3439
ph: 312-287-1343